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Join date : 2008-06-23

Introdution Empty
PostSubject: Introdution   Introdution Icon_minitimeMon Jun 23, 2008 9:31 am

Hello everyone and welcome to the EshiEo forum.
I hope you like our forum and decide to join our server its absolutely free, no donating for special things required.
The ep drops are decent and the compose rates are high.
Best of all you and all your friends can play together and help each other and watch your characters grow and strive to be the best player on the game.
Hope you have fun and enjoy our server ^^ hope to see you online one day

you can also buy stuff from the PMs...heres a list and prices

Super equipment: 10,000 ep
elite equipment: 5,000 ep
unique equipment: 2,000 ep
refind equipment: 1,000 ep
normal equipment: 500 ep
super redstone: 2,000
Super Violetstone: 150
Super Yellowstone: 150
999 Redroses: 4,000
999 Whiteroses: 4,000
99 Redroses: 500
99 Whiteroses: 500

And i will edit the list once we have more to add to it
Hope you join and cya soon ^^

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